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Friday 16 November 2012


As you enter the boundary of New Delhi, you will find a strange influx of testosterone in your body. Doubt it? I challenge your denial to the thought. What I really want to state is that the city breathes aggression, in every nook and corner of the city , you would find aggressors roaming around to provoke or retaliate regarding something or the other. It is as if these guys, not underestimating women, have a huge arsenal of hostilities under wraps for some unlucky fella, ready to implode as well as explode leading to immense outburst of a billion emotions. Believe it or not, people really love squabbling around in Delhi!

New Delhi is not the only victim to this syndrome, as I shall call it, it is a noted fact that people living in most of the metropolitan cities do suffer its symptoms. But what actually is aggression? Well, technically speaking it is the behaviour which crosses the thin line of being assertive and enters into the domain of being hostile, forceful or in straight terms “ATTACKING”. There are numerous reasons behind this aggressive stance poised by general en masse, I will not state those geeky observations being carried out at the desks of qualified psychologists; rather try to put forth my own findings.

One major point which I have witnessed is that the environment really gives support to an individual’s aggression. Put it straight, I will give you an example, suppose you are provoked to hostility by a guy in public. Now, there are two cases: 1) the public comprises of people who are calm, don’t pay much attention to the childish ruckus that you have created, moreover they are far too preoccupied to pay much heed. 2) (this happens usually in Delhi) People come to a standstill, it’s a K.O. fight, they are waiting for the huge entertainment in store by the immense lashing out of abuses and the lust for the FIST of FURY. In the first case, you might end up resolving your issue by just verbal means , however, the second case really demands you to take a stand. This part is generally concerned with the local conditions, the inciting environment and the people’s expectations towards your disposition.

There are other reasons as well. The hypothalamus has a lot of things to do with the aggressive stance taken by you, it is a prodigious game of hormones swimming across your veins. People tend to get belligerent due to their genetic makeup as well. They are short tempered, hostile retaliation is a much sought after option for any provoked or unprovoked invitation for the same. Criminal minds eh? Not exactly. As a matter of fact, people in big cities are also dealing with a huge “payload” of stress. This may be the stress of being divorced or even married, tension related to spouse or some extra marital affair, a receding hairline, no promotion, frustration due to competition, tremendous traffic jams, rising prices, inefficient politics, birth of triplets, touch screen malfunction or malfunction in sex life. Numerous reasons, sometimes they act alone, whereas in many cases they amalgamate to mortify an individual. The venting up of the HEAT developed inside, is in that case only achievable by the indulgence in hostility via aggression.

So you would be wondering that aggression in general is the physical hostility, bring the limbs into motion for a direct hit. In that case a lion preying its prized deer is an aggression, it really doesn’t fit here. Even psychologists believe that the preying is not a form of aggression, as the lion does not roar or pulls out its claws violently in the air. However, two lions showing these signals while defending their own territories is a sign of justified aggression. This aggression is for defence, for asserting itself so it does not count. We need to understand the thin line which exists between the assertive part and that of the aggression. Why only animals? even nations, like United States or Israel are termed as aggressive. Depending on different perspectives, like on one hand a nation fights terrorism abroad to protect its people at home is a form of defence however for the people affected by these actions will term the US as an aggressor. It is therefore totally relative.

The discussion has branched out to a very wide domain , the aggression may also be linked to competitive ambitions. An aggressive student is bloke who churns out hours working diligently and in a focused manner to accomplish what we may call his lifelong ambition. We can now make out the positives and the negatives of aggression depending how this is directed and for which purpose. As long as it stands harmless and constructive towards shaping a better, focused and stronger individual(this for you to decide, how you make up for these things)…what’s the harm? Be an AGGRESSOR !!!

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