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Sunday 18 November 2012


Should you follow your passion? or be made to passionately fall in love with something you landed up with. This question sends shivers down my spine, not merely because I think I am not able to be passionate about what I am doing right now or would be doing in future, but finding out what is my true passion. Of all things which are challenging to answer ranging from your true definition of a beautiful girl, an A++ level mathematical logic question, fate of the Indian economy in future,  questions regarding your virginity, arguably the one asking for your true passion in life is the toughest. Throughout history, it is the men and women alike who have braved adversities by luck or by sheer herculean effort, who have been able to carve a mark on it. They were really passionate about their ambition, their dream and vision. Take a bird’s eye view on their life, you will find souls burning with tremendous vigour, a desire for achieving what they envisioned, initiative to reach the pinnacle of success. Surely, all of them were destined to do so, but it was the dream and the exertion which they enjoyed. Their finding of their true passion , may have knocked them to the shores of unknown territories, some hostile while some embracing. Places where they had to take out all their robes, standing naked, devoid of the unwanted ornaments which were more of a burden to carry in their quest to ultimate glory; as well as places where they were adorned with jewels, so prized, in the form of such treasured wisdom and skills, that would stand the test of time. Undoubtedly, life throws out numerous challenges, its how you cope with them and find the true essence in it, some may be overwhelmed while some enlightened, it’s how you perceive the situation. In the course of time, which is quite precious, the sooner you find your passion the better it is. 

Einstein once quoted “I don’t have any special talents. I am just passionately curious”. Have a look at all the great people in history from war mongering generals and conquerors like Alexander the Great to peace seeking pioneers like Mahatma Gandhi, from noble laureates like Sir Alexander Fleming to sportsperson like Sachin Tendulkar, from philanthropists like Florence Nightingale and Mother Teressa to inventors like Thomas Alva Edison and a million more examples, all these people were tremendously passionate about their work. They loved doing it, they could slog throughout day and night without feeling worn-out, leave alone being exasperated. It was their unwavering determination to pursue their dream, work diligently to achieve it that worked wonders, and made them historic figures for the rest of their lives and eternity. The spark which was, the Passion…a small word but powerful to encompass the entire life of an individual. The passion to serve the needy, the destitute…a passion to overthrow an empire with weapons of peace…a passion to see things differently, make things differently…a passion to deliver, to satisfy the not only the sporting thirst of a billion cricketing fans but to satisfy the lust for glory within. These were men and women of immense passion, there are still in making, I wish to be one of them. Because I believe, it will be the true passion, which would propel me to do something which would not only be self-constructive but also have an enormous productive effect on the society at large. 

In India, it is sad to find that students are forced to pursue a passion. Economic predicaments, family issues, lack of choice, qualms over a rewarding career steers the students to a pre-defined course of action. They don’t have to plan for anything, no time for seeking passion , they would go and sit for exams which millions are appearing for. Neglecting their inborn talents, without nurturing them, they move forth grinding themselves in a daunting competition. Those who emerge victorious are nevertheless rewarded with a handsome salary, a salary which can buy you anything but peace to have done justice with one thing which you were really passionate about. The ONE thing which you should have done and worked with without any compromise in this ONE life!!! 

I believe myself to have gone through a transcendental experience, an experience that has really shaken me from the roots. From now on, I believe, I shall always align myself with actions which drive me towards attaining my goal which I believe I am truly passionate about. There are times, which tend to put me down, huge disappointments in life, but again they are even huger WAKE UP CALLS. God has something far better in store for you, whatever you deserve…this was not the right thing for you. I find some lines really inspirational, they come from all corners; look at Susan Boyle who sung at the stage of Britain’s Got Talent. A simple woman, of whom each one in the audience was sure of i.e. she would be a total waste, but how she turned out to be a wonder a star. She was passionate about singing,  that is what it took. These lines from Les Miserables are a motivation.

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame
And still I dream she'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Your dreams might have got killed at this date, but it is a crude means of jerking you out of sleep, mind you. Rise up and stand strong for what is your true purpose in life. Because it is this awareness of the true reason behind your existence, that shall distinguish you from the rest of the people. Pursue your passion, personify your talent and conquer the world!!!

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