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Tuesday 20 January 2015

Life after Death?

Death is the ultimate truth which all of us pretend to be unaware of all the way till we are on the edge of the bridge, needless to say we have to cross it. But what lies beyond the bridge remains a mystery, generations have passed away but we are still clueless about this phenomenon. Does life really exist after death? However, putting it in other ways we can make out certain analogies which pretty much fit into the shoes of a significant transition taking place. Such a colossal transition that it matches up to the super cycle of life and death!

Philosophical: An absolute failure does not mean that we were destined to lose, instead we were meant to win in some other means or in some other way. A massive impediment in one’s life turns out to be the greatest coach god could offer, provided the student is taking serious notes. There seems to be a marked change in our perspective and our thinking, instead of seeing it as a dead end we tend to see it as a diversion. Resurrection from complete breakdown with a stronger conviction and a clear conscience is what is required to attain success.

Spiritual: Theologically all the major religions of the world have a predetermined life after death scenario. Religious piousness and humanitarian concern leads one to heaven. A person’s karma, acts like an account book to add and subtract values leading to myriad of roles after death. Pagan rituals and primitive beliefs might require sacrificing animals and even killing humans in name of religion to open up the doors of salvation. Undoubtedly these scripts act as a definitive map to dwell in affluence of pleasures or lament amidst misery and despair in the afterlife.

Economic: We have seen nations collapse during times of conflict, famines, revolutions and coup d'état. A total annihilation in the socio-economic and political scenario should be a fairly appropriate reason for it to remain in the dark for another century. However, we have witnessed them spring back and with a greater vigor and determination. An unstoppable force to be reckoned with, they surpass competition with their incredible will and vision. Stories of a battered China, Japan after Hiroshima, post-world war Singapore are some amongst the numerous examples in history.

Emotional: People though physically departed, their memories never perish in the hearts of those who remember them. We also have countless examples of legendary heroes, commanders, mathematicians, astronomers, spiritual leaders, revolutionaries, soldiers, and despots etc. who still remain alive due to deeds both good and evil but having a significant impact on the society. They are remembered for their deeds, so even after death they walk freely in our minds and some in our hearts, some attracting curses while others are being idolized, glorified and upheld to highest regards.

Needless to say, life and death are an eternal truth, a truth nobody can deny nor prove to be a fallacy. Sometimes it may even seem that the ultimate goal of an entire life is death but it is required to consider the cycle of life. So as far you are alive and kicking, enjoy the journey and make the best out of it .In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “in the end, it’s not the number of years in your life that count; it’s the life in your years!”

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