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Sunday 14 December 2014


“AAAaaarrrghhh!!!” exclaimed my friend, complaining that he might need to buckle up for the next day as he sensed something nasty might there be in cards for him. Having eaten profusely, the 4 mile walk through an exceedingly crowded town was no wonder sending butterflies down the pristine gastronomical kingdom of my friend’s stomach. Alas, I could only pray to lord for sparing him from the phenomenon which is called “diarrhoea”. The rapid, unwanted and highly toxic liquid bowel movements are definitely a force to reckon with. Almost the entire humanity has been its victim at one point or the other of their lives, wherein they have witnessed a comprehensive anarchy taking place inside their stomach and being thoroughly subdued by the supreme powers of nature. When the phrase “nature calling!” turns into “nature shouting!” people can’t help but keep conspicuously silent for the same (though the mouths are shut, something else seems to compensate!). Diarrhoea, but, cannot be overlooked as simply being associated with the intestine, rectum and anus…instead it is a philosophical concept spanning across numerous facets of an individual’s life. The sadistic, vile, domineering and despotic nature of diarrhea makes it a powerful tool to highlight the chaotic proceedings in life.

We may classify the analogous relations of the diarrhea phenom into the following broad criterion:

1)      MORAL DIARRHOEA:      Probably, most of us have witnessed and will agree to the fact that there has been an increasing trend towards degradation of moral values. The so called moral values of the society are in constant clash with an individual’s perception of ethics. This clash is bound to make a person go haywire, confused and distressed with his surroundings. An individual stuck in a public office with every person indulging in blatant outrageous corruption, will be hammered by the sheer intensity of the breach in individual ethics but alas his micro society of corrupt people have a rather conflicting version of societal morals. In this case the micro society upholds the right of the people in power to engage in corruption and will unite to fight against any finger raised against anybody. Thus, the hapless fellow is bound to witness a moral diarrhea and engage in the mal practice, against his individual code of conduct-his ethics but in line with the morals of his micro society.
      Same thing happens in case of terrorism as well, youth are bound to lose their ethics under the colossal pressure of survival, persecution and religious exploitation for political propaganda. The micro society yet again offers its own definitions of ideal morals which force a diarrhea of emotions and batters an individual’s humanity.

2)      EMOTIONAL DIARRHOEA: What else can be more terrifying than a complete collapse of the emotional machinery of an individual? Venting out the anger of piecemeal monthly targets upon your girlfriend, friends and parents, an unanticipated outpour of anger against somebody etc. When it becomes so difficult to find how to behave appropriately like a civilized person and instead act like slapping the taste out of the other guy’s mouth. The sickening feeling when you feel demonized, being possessed with a constant chitter-chatter in your mind temple with the incessant talks of a confused and brash alien personality.

3)      MONETARY DIARRHOEA: When there is hailstorm and all you do is pull out a crispy 1000 rupee note to cover your head. That day, when your purse seems to be draining out like the SUEZ Canal. You try to build your defenses, build dams upon your spending habits, a barrage to monitor your lifestyle expenses and a contingency relief squad to guide you through panic situations but nada, none helps. A massive landslide of currency befalls upon, making you shiver with the phenom of monetary diarrhea.

4)      PHYSICAL DIARRHOEA: Define it yourselves now people, when you keep pretending normal but your ass is going to burst out like “buaaaaaaah!” reminding grey bearded folks of the celestial “BIG BANG THEORY”.

Having said that, there may be a thousand other forms of diarrhea prevailing in our day to day lives. These may be prevented but like the physical one, but they are inevitable and one does face it at some point of his life. So keep identifying the symptoms and diagnose yourselves for this menace of diarrhea. Peace out!

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